A Township Tale Wiki
Woodcutter Pouch
Woodcutter Pouch
Type Backpack Attachment

The Woodcutter Pouch is a Backpack Attachment that provides more Wood specific storage to Woodcutters.


The Woodcutter Pouch can be attached to either side of a compatible Backpack with the Backpack Assembler. The Woodcutter Pouch is Wood specific, but has a 3x Stack Limit, meaning it can fit 150 Wood in each slot. It has 2 slots.

The Woodcutter Pouch also negates some of the carry weight that the items would normally have by 50%


Wood Pouches must be crafted at the Crafting House using the Assembly Deck and their respective recipe page.


The Woodcutter Pouch requires 6 Sticks, 3 Rope Bundles, and 1 Wooden Wedge. You are able to customize each piece in the steps below with a different material.

Assemblydeckrecipe Woodcutter Pouch

The order of assembly is as follows:

  • Frame - 6 Sticks, 3 Rope Bundles, 1 Wooden Wedge


Pre-Alpha Woodcutter Pouch was added