A Township Tale Wiki
Woodcutter Bag
Woodcutter Bag
Type Item

Woodcutter Bags are a specialised backpack that allows Woodcutters to store higher capacities of Wooden Wedges.


The Woodcutter Bag features 1 slot, but has a capacity of 500 Wooden Wedges, allowing for better transport of these precious materials.

The Woodcutter Bag also negates some of the weight the items would normally posses by 50%.

Woodcutter Bag can be retrieved from the Player's back by placing their hand behind their back and grabbing it.


Woodcutter Bags can only be crafted using the Assembly Deck with it's respective recipe page and necessary materials.


The Woodcutter Bag requires 12 Sticks, 1 Leather Roll, 16 Rope Bundles, 1 Dried Grass and 3 Wooden Wedges. You are able to customize each piece in the steps below with a different material.

Assemblydeckrecipe Woodcutter Bag The order of assembly is as follows:
  • Frame - 12 Sticks, 3 Wooden Wedges, 16 Rope Bundles, 1 Dried Grass
  • Back Padding - 1 Leather Roll


The Woodcutter Bag is compatible with Backpack Attachments, and has two slots.


Pre-Alpha Woodcutter Bag was added