A Township Tale Wiki
Type Crafting Station

The Smelter is a Blacksmithing station, located inside the Smithy. It is used to convert Ore into Ingots, and those Ingots into Metal Items.


The Smelter requires Fuel, such as Wood or Coal, to operate and can only hold 20 stacks.

To convert Ore into Metal, players must:

  • Place their Ore into the hatch on the left side of the Smelter, and then drop the Ore inside.
  • Wait for the Ore to be melted down and extracted.
  • Remove their converted Metal.

To convert Metal into Metal Items, players must:

  • Grab the Blacksmith Mould they wish to use.
  • Place it in the Blacksmith Mould section of the Smelter.
  • Place the Metal into the hatch.
  • Wait for the Metal to be melted and converted.
  • Remove their converted output.

Either process can be sped up by pumping the large bellows on the right side.


Smelter with Crystals cropped

The upgrading crystals deposited into the front of the Smelter.

In order for the Smelter to craft Metals of higher quality, (such as alloys), it must be upgraded by depositing Crystals earned by completing the Combat Trials into its front.


Pre-Alpha Smelter was added