A Township Tale Wiki
Shared Storage
Shared Storage
Type Storage

Shared Storage units are a small construct found in both the Smithy and Carpenter's Workshop added in pre-Alpha update


Shared Storage Crates provide the Players of the Township the ability to share materials such as Wood, Ores, Ingots and Sticks with each other without fear that their hard-earned items will be stolen.

Shared Storage Crates have withdrawal limits. A player may remove as much as they deposit during the same in-game day, once dawn ticks over they may only remove 20 of each resource per day - the same limit as Players who have not donated resources.

Withdrawl Item Limit (Per Day} Location
Wood 18 Carpenter's Workshop
Sticks 10 Carpenter's Workshop
Coal 20 building next to Smithy
Copper Ore 20 Smithy
Copper Ingots 5 Smithy
Iron Ore 20 Smithy
Iron Ingots 5 Smithy
Gold Ore 20 Smithy
Gold Ingots 5 Smithy
Silver Ore 20 Smithy
Silver Ingots 5 Smithy
Mythril Ore 20 Smithy
Mythril Ingots 5 Smithy

