A Township Tale Wiki
Ore Bag
Ore Bag
Type Item

Ore Bags are a specialized backpack that allows Miners to transport higher capacities of Ore or Bars for longer-term Mining Trips.


The Ore Bag features 4 total slots, but has a Stack Limit multiplier of 3x for each slot, meaning it can store 150 Ore in each, holding 600 Ore in total. This means that Miners can spend more time underground gathering resources, unlike those who use other Bag Variants.

The Ore Bag also negates some of the weight the items would normally possess by 50%.

Ore Bag can be retrieved from the Player's back by placing their hand behind their back and grabbing it.


Ore Bags can only be crafted using the Assembly Deck with it's respective recipe page and necessary materials.


The Ore Bag requires 19 Sticks, 1 Cloth Bundles, 7 Rope Bundles, and 2 Leather Strips. You are able to customize each piece in the steps below with a different material.

Assemblydeckrecipe Ore Bag The order of assembly is as follows:
  • Frame - 19 Sticks, 7 Rope Bundles
  • Main Bag - 1 Cloth Bundle,
  • Handle - 2 Leather Strips


The Ore Bag is compatible with Backpack Attachments, and has 3 slots.

The Ore Bag has a specific attachment slot for a lantern stand as to allow for the carrying of spotlights and lanterns without using your hands.


Pre-Alpha Ore Bag was added