A Township Tale Wiki
Type Weapon

The Katana is a type of sword found as a Legendary Loot item in the world, and can be found in the Mines or the Camps Region. The weapon replicates the real Japanese Katana (刀), featuring a long, thin, and curved, single-edged blade with a circular or squared guard and long grip to accommodate two hands.


Katanas are primarily found in the Chests within the Camps, though they may also be found within Chests on Cave Structures in the Mines, as well as in various Chests found in the Overworld.

A replica of the naturally-spawning Katana can be crafted through the process of Hebios Mould Crafting.


Apart from acting as a weapon used to attack an opponent, there is a way to use the weapon most effectively. The Katana is a sword, meaning using slicing motions, using the sharpened side, against an opponent is the most effective way of attacking. The Katana can be used to defend the user slightly when the user carefully angles the blade to block an incoming attack.

The Katana posseses a unique property that is not displayed in other weapons, and is a unique effect known as the Hebios Wind Strike that is activated for a short period when the weapon is unsheathed. If an enemy is struck within the period that the effect persists, the weapon will take no damage, and the damage dealt will be increased. This effect does have a short cool down, so it must be used wisely.


  • The golden hand guard on the Katana is the same shape as the Hebios' symbol found in the Camps Region.
  • The Wakizashi is often mistaken for the Katana

by players, due the weapon's general similarity and popularity. "Katana" is the term now used to describe the family of swords known as nihontō that are 2 shaku, approximately 60 cm (24 in) in length, or longer. Yet unlike a Katana, the Wakizashi is a much smaller sword. With a Wakizashi blade's length varying between 1 to 2 shaku, 30 and 60 cm (12 and 24 in). Another key feature is the difference between the handle lengths. A Wakizashi has a much shorter handle than the Katana, just long enough to equip the handle with 2 hands.


Pre-Alpha Katana was added.