A Township Tale Wiki
Type Item

Gourds are a type of Item.


Gourds are primarily found in Log Chests in the Camps, though they may also be found in normal Chests on Cave Structures within the Mines.

Gourds can not be crafted.


Gourds are very similar to Flasks because they are both used to store liquids such as Stew and Teleportation Liquid. Unlike a Flask, a Gourd can hold up to two volumes of liquid, meaning you can drink twice the amount of a Flask when using a Gourd .

How To Fill A Gourd From A Cauldron At The Tavern:[]

(Quest version as of December 4, 2021)

If you are having trouble filling a gourd from a cauldron at the Tavern, try this:

  • Put the gourd inside an empty cauldron.
  • Pour the stew-filled cauldron into the empty cauldron. You should hear a "glugging" sound, which means that the gourd is successfully filling up.
  • Remove the gourd and look inside. You should see your stew.
  • There will be a bit of stew left at the bottom of the cauldron. Unfortunately you can't put this remaining stew in another gourd; you can try, but there's a good chance the gourd will jump out and/or cauldron overturn. However, you can repeat this process with another empty cauldron.

Another method that seems to work for some users:

  • After making stew in a cauldron on a cooking stand at the Tavern, carefully lift out the cauldron (angle your hands down to keep the cauldron level -- practice first with water to avoid wasting stew!), and pour it into an empty cauldron. You should then be able to fill the upright gourd by dipping the bottom of the gourd into the stew. Unfortunately this method doesn't seem to work more than once; you'll need to pour the remaining stew into another empty cauldron before trying with another gourd.

A note: Some users have reported that the cauldron/gourd issues only happen at the Tavern, that they're able to cook stew in a cauldron on the ground near a campfire at the Smithy near the water troughs and then fill the gourd from that cauldron with no problem.


Pre-Alpha Gourd was added.