In A Township Tale, a player has health that can increase or decrease. If a player's health drops to zero, they die, drop everything and respawn at Spawn. Health can be found in game by looking at either of your wrists. The red bar is health, the yellow bar is Nutrition, and the yellow pips are Fullness. Furthermore, a player's health bar has three distinct black lines corresponding to 25%, 50% and 75% of their health. In total, a player has 8 bars of health, but this can be increased through consumption of Heartfruit.
ATT generates two points at the tip of a weapon. One is figuratively attached to the weapon and will move as fast, and as far, as the weapon when the player moves it around. Then, there is another invisible point that follows the weapon. It moves slower than the the other point, but will eventually catch up to the it if the player stops moving. The important point is that this slower point will always attempt to reach the point on the tip of the weapon, even as the player accelerates or changes trajectory. Then, if a player hits a target, ATT will calculate the distance between the point on the weapon, and the slow point behind the weapon. It will use this distance, along with data on the material the weapon is made of, the durability state of the weapon and vulnerabilities to calculate a number. This number is then subtracted from the target's health.
- Distance: Sometimes called Arc Length in game, this variable is related to the distance between the two invisible points. This has a two-fold effect. First, it means that short swings do less damage than long swings if everything else is equal. So, for any weapon, players can increase their DPS by taking the time and effort to take their hands and move them as if they were actually holding the weapon. Furthermore, this variable makes the total length of the weapon matters. Distance causes weapons attached to long handles to perform better than weapons attached to short handles; however, weapons with larger/longer blades also perform better. This causes small dagger like weapons to perform worse than ultra-long great sword weapons. To maximizes this category, attach the longest sword blade to the longest handle, then do a full swing with arms extended.
- Speed: Speed is a factor that causes slow swings to perform worse than fast ones. Along with Distance, this variable is related to how far the two points are from each other. To maximize this category, move the controllers rapidly. Unfortunately, as of, there are hardware limitations (both server and client side) that place a practical limit on Speed. Moving too fast will cause the game to not register hits, thus players do zero damage. The only suggestion in response to this is to practice in-game and find a speed where your playing-style matches what the game can handle.
- Materials: Different materials cause weapons to deal different amounts of damage. The material of the weapon is the most important factor.
Metal | Damage |
Copper | 22.7% |
Iron | 31.8% |
Gold | 18.2% |
Silver | 68.2% |
Mythril | 86.4% |
Palladium | 50% |
Red Iron | 50% |
Electrum | 50% |
Viridium | 59.1% |
Valyan | 100% |
- Buffs: Creating a Stew that gives a strength buff can increase damage done proportional to the increase in strength.
- Number of Hands: The number of hands that are holding a weapon impact the amount of damage. Holding a weapon with two hands can be as much as three times better than holding the same weapon with one hand, but this value is also related to Distance traveled/speed (the overall quality of the hit). If a player can consistently score perfect of near perfect hits, then the difference between one handed and two handed weapons drops.
- Durability: Weapons wear out over time, and their blades appear to become dull. However, this visual effect has not effect on damage.
Types Of Damage[]
In addition to the factors above, each weapon is given a certain damage attribute. Furthermore, some weapons (like the Great Axe) may have two attributes, but only one is active at a time. Which attribute active is based off of the geometry of the weapon and how the player hits the enemy. For example, the large blade on the Great Axe is attributed with slashing damage, but turning the weapon around and hitting with the point is piercing damage.
- Piercing: Typically active when a weapon is thrust into an enemy with a sharp point.
- Slashing: Typically active when a weapon is forced to hit the enemy with a blade's edge.
- Blunt: Active based solely on weapon characteristics (As of, only hammers have this attribute).
- Acid: The spit attacks from Wyrms and Crystal wyrms have this attribute.
Technical Damage[]
These damage types cannot hurt players, but they are used in damage-like calculations for certain player actions.
- Mining: Pickaxe only. Ore Veins have health, and each swing of a pickaxe decreases that health. When the Ore Veins heath reaches zero, the vein breaks.
- Chiseling: Chisel and Hammer-Chisel only. Use to determine how many more hits it takes to break off a piece of bark during Carpentry. The bark has a health value that decreases with each swing. However, unlike the other technical damages, the bark 'displays' its health by slowly breaking away from the log.
- Woodcutting: Axes only. Each tree, log and branch has an individual health value. Decreasing the health of a tree will eventually cause it to separate into logs and branches, where as decreasing the health of logs will produce Wood. Branches produce Sticks.
- Smithing: Hammers only. This value affects how fast a player can forge. A tool head is made of many smaller sub-sections with a relatively low health value. When a certain number of these sections has been hit, the tool is done.
Other 'Damages'[]
- Poison: Technically a Debuff, but it still decreases a player's health.
- Fire: Fire does not technically hurt you. Fire raises the temperature of a body part, and that body part being hot is what causes damage. For this reason, it is possible to grab a torch, reach into the forge etc. without getting immediately hurt.
Vulnerability is a multiplier (greater than 1) that effectively increase the damage that a target will take. Essentially, this works in the exact same way as armor, but with the opposite effect. Knowing what the target's vulnerability is will increase a player's DPS against that enemy, but it requires planning and access to a weapon with that damage type.
- Wyrm: Blunt
- Gotera: Slashing
- Spriggull: Piercing
- Turabadas: Pickaxe hit
- Player: None