was a pre-Alpha update added to "A Township Tale" on July 22nd, 2020.
Full Patch Notes[]
Game Changes
- New Procedural Forest Added
- Beyond the camps, the mountainous region of a forest can be seen.
- Each server has its own, unique forest.
- Forests consist of biomes, each with their own aesthetic and content.
- Woodcutting Based Biomes. (Birch, Redwood, Walnut, Ash, and varieties of regular Oak woods.)
- Deadwood Biome
- Rivers and Waterfalls Appear in the Forest.
- Can collect water.
- Will return you to safety if you plunge into them.
- Special encounters in the Forest.
- Added New Creatures
- Added new Gotera Types.
- Redwood, Birch, Ash and Walnut types.
- Added Babu.
- Drops Babu meat.
- Added Dais.
- Drops Dais Leather and Dais Meat.
- Added Dragonfly.
- Drops its corpse. Doesn't do much.
- Added new Gotera Types.
- Added New Woodcut Tree Types
- Birch, Walnut, Redwood, Ash.
- Tree material affects tension of bows and slingshots.
- Different metals required to cut down these trees.
- Trees have a slim chance of dropping a seed.
- Added Basic Plant Growth
- Potatoes, Eggplants, Tomatoes, Apples and Blueberries can be grown.
- Woodcutting wood type trees can be grown.
- Unripe halves of respective fruits can be planted to begin the growth process.
- Not the final implementation of 'farming' by any means, but a fun start.
- Time to grow can take many hours, watering doesn't do anything yet.
- Stack Size Limits
- Players can only store a limited amount of stacking resources per dock.
- Some specialized docks increase the amount they can store.
- Carry Weight System
- Items have a weight that affects player's movement speed.
- Weight can be measured at new Weight Gauges around town.
- Materials used impacts the weight of an item. (Except Generic Crafting, for now.)
- Bow Tension System
- Low tension bows draw faster, high tension bows drawback slower.
- High tension bows fire heavier arrows further.
- High tension bows fire lighter arrows with worse accuracy than low tension bows.
- Bow tension is determined by the material of the bow.
- Added New Generic Crafting Recipes.
- New Bags
- Specialized bags that can store more stacks of items, and alleviate the weight of their specialized content.
- New Bag Attachments.
- Specialized attachments, similar to their bag counterpart.
- Fixed Light Bag Attachment, a fixed, mounted arm where a lantern can be kept.
- Crafted Moulds.
- Crafted moulds have a usage count before they are destroyed.
- Crafted moulds start off blank, and can have a item imprinted into it via a Mould Press.
- Mould Presses can be found in the side of the blacksmith building.
- New Crafting Materials for new recipes added to the game.
- New Bags
- Added ability to craft Hebios Weapons.
- Hebios Moulds can be made in Generic Crafting.
- Hebios Moulds can be imprinted at a Hebios Mould Press.
- Hebios weapon parts can be found as loot.
- Hebios weapons drop parts when broken.
- Hebios weapon parts can be re-assembled in Generic Crafting.
- Other Changes
- Increased rarity of weapon heads/tools spawning in loot.
- Rendering Changes - using HDR, which makes bright things 'glow' a bit more.