was released on the 1st of October 2019, and was succeeded by
Changes[] provided the following changes:
- Added Camera Filters to Screenshot Camera
- New 'advanced button added to top left of the camera.
- Advanced options include, depth of field setting, filters on/off.
- Depth of Field
- P - is for perfect focus, same as your screenshots were before.
- A - Automatic, focuses at the center of the frame.
- M - Manual, disables auto-focus, and you can 'twist' the front of the lens to adjust. (This one is a bit sensitive at the moment, may be a bit finicky.)
- Camera Filters
- Enable/Disable filters with the small starry button.
- Swipe left/right across the screen to switch filters.
- Filters include, sepia, moody, bright, black and white, stark, and default.
- Halloween Festivity Filter: Turn you and your friends into ghosts!
- Reduced spawn rate of Turabada in caves.
- Reduced max amount of Turabada per layer.
- Increased duration of night.
- Added sound for torch fires. (Kinda basic, but may as well. Will do campfires, forge, etc. in the future.)
- Changes to player 'ghost' hand material, now with improved transparency.
- Fixed issue that caused a certain Turabada to become invisible in the Overworld.
- Fixed issue where Archery Skill 'Lightbeam' would appear out of place.
- Fixed issue where 'Lightbeam' wouldn't deal damage to players.
- Fixed an instance of empty pouches being created.
- Fixed issue where Mining Skill "Echolocation" didn't work.
- For Server Owners
- Fixed death by suicide breaking the game when a console bot is connected.
- Added festivity command module. (To control Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc...)
- Added wipe chunk command.
- Changed several commands to return values, rather than trace log them.
- Fixed description of 'fillbooks' and 'forgeall' commands.
- Changed 'TradeDeckUsed' event data to have camelCase names.
You are not alone at night.