was released on the 28th of May 2019 and was succeeded by
Changes[] provided the following changes:
- Updated Character Customization System
- New Body Type options
- Players can choose from a variety of body types.
- Updated art style for hair.
- No longer uses blocky lego hair, but now has more of that Township fluff texturing going on.
- Updated Hairstyle options
- New Color Palette
- No longer a wheel, but now a palette of 48 colors.
- Primary and Secondary color brushes to 'paint' different portions of clothing.
- Expanded skin color options.
- Nose colors are now adjusted dynamically based on chosen main skin color, as opposed to individually.
- New category options.
- Skirts and Toolbelts are now customizable items where they weren't before. (Only 1 starting option, so far, though.)
- Supporter Toolbelt added for supporters.
- New Eye Texture option
- Character optimizations
- Skinned meshes and textures are merged and packed together.
- Reduces draw calls drastically per player.
- Temporarily removed armors from the game.
- Will return with Armor Crafting!
- Players can re-customize their characters at any point.
- Building in town will return players to customization.
- New Body Type options
- Fixed issue where you could accidentally drink a closed gourd.
- Adjusted wording of Tutorial quests to be clearer.
- Nerfed hunger regain from cooked sliced apples.
- Fixed up visual of equipment mode from hovering shards.
- Faster loading of cave layers.
- Tweaks to spawning locations and rates of early stone/flint resources.
- Fixed torches being difficult to relight.
- Fixed items transferring to bags from pouches.
- Fixed bug that could destroy arrows from a pouch into a bag.
- Fixed issue with invisible blades after forging.
- Fixed cauldron/water stencils not displaying correctly.